Privacy Policy

Updated: 13 October 2024

Hello Radius is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that any data is collected and processed according to applicable national laws and regulations and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).


In this Privacy Policy, we inform you about how we collect, use, disclose and process your Personal Data when you use the Services and our Platform (as defined in our Terms & Conditions).

By using the Platform and the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and consent to this Privacy Policy.

Hello Radius reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time.

If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of this policy and, in case of material changes, we may provide you with an additional notice (such as adding a statement to our homepage or if you have an account with us, an email notification).

As a User or Visitor, you are responsible for checking the relevant pages for any amendments and updates.



In addition to the definitions in our Terms & Conditions, the following terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined below:

“Hello Radius” or “we”, “us”, “our” refers to HELLO RADIUS LIMITED, a limited liability company registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus under registration number HE 425388 which is the provider of the Services on the Platform.

“Personal Data” means all data relating to a natural person who can be identified from such data (e.g., name, address and/or identification number), in accordance with GDPR and other applicable law.

“Processing” means, in accordance with GDPR and other applicable law, operation(s) performed on Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.


Collection of Data

The data we collect includes data entered, published and made available by a User/Visitor when accessing the Platform and using the Services, including:

  • When an Employer account is created, we collect Personal Data, such as the User’s first and last name, email address, phone number and password (safely stored and encrypted, so not visible to Hello Radius, and only used for authentication purposes on the Platform).
  • When a job advert is created and submitted, the data (personal or otherwise) we additionally collect includes the address of the job location, the contact details of the Employer’s contact person for the specific job submitted (if such person is different to the User) and any additional data (personal or otherwise) added in the job description;
  • When a Candidate account is created, we collect Personal Data, such as the User’s first and last name, email address and password (safely stored and encrypted, so not visible to Hello Radius, and only used for authentication purposes on the Platform);
  • When a Candidate creates a profile, the data (personal or otherwise) we may additionally collect includes their profile description information, job title, skills and work preferences, job search status and their CV (as a downloadable document), gender identity, ethnicity, and pronouns;
  • When a Visitor applies to a job that was posted using Hello Radius' services, or via the Hello Radius Careers Page, we collect Personal Data, such as the Visitor's full name, email address and CV;
  • When a Candidate or Visitor applies to a job advert through the platform, we may collect data (personal or otherwise) contained within a covering letter;
  • When an Employer uses our Talent Pool API, then we collect data, personal or otherwise, included in the 3rd-party form-data;
  • When a Candidate or Visitor completes an online assessment created by a registered Employer on Hello Radius, we may collect data, personal or otherwise;
  • When an Employer uploads a CV to their CV Library, we may collect the name, email address and information contained within the CV document;
  • When a User creates an account with their Google or Facebook Account, we collect Personal Data such as their name, email address, phone number and profile image;
  • When a User subscribes to our newsletter(s)and/or registers via our online registration form(s) we collect Personal Data such as their name and email address;
  • For any payment, payment details and billing information (to the extent that this is needed to be transmitted to our third-party payment gateway provider).

From our use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy, we may collect the following data:

  • Information of your network and device, your software and hardware, such as your IP address, server, web browser, domain names, access times and the address of the website you came from and the website you go to.
  • Usage data when you visit the Platform or use our Services.
  • Anonymous demographic information (for the purposes of improving our Services or statistics).
  • An identifier related to an account you have with Hello Radius (if any) for the purpose of improving our Services.

For more details about the types of cookies we use, and their purpose, please read our Cookie Policy.

Hello Radius is not responsible for the privacy practices or other content on third party websites outside of the Platform.


Use / Processing of Data

Hello Radius uses Personal Data as necessary for the purposes for which it is intended / it is provided by you and in accordance with the law, such as in the following circumstances:

  • for the provision of the Services by Hello Radius;
  • to display the contact details of a job advert to Candidates, as necessary for the Services;
  • to display job search preferences, skills and information about Candidates to Employers registered on Hello Radius, as necessary for the Services;
  • to help Employers find relevant candidates for their job adverts;
  • to help Candidates create accurate Profiles quickly;
  • to improve Employers hiring decisions and help Employers hire more inclusively for the purpose of enabling equal opportunities;
  • to display answers to assessment questions to Employers for the purposes of the assessment;
  • inform applicants about the status of their job application;
  • inform users of relevant content and resources;
  • inform Users and/or Visitors of new or other features / Services;
  • for any purpose related to any of the above or any other purpose for which you provided your Personal Data;
  • when the Processing is necessary for Hello Radius to comply with its legal or regulatory obligations and when required by the law;
  • when the Processing is in our legitimate interests (i.e., the interest of our business, ensuring that Hello Radius gives you the best Services possible and the most secure experience on the Platform), provided our interests are not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms; or
  • for matching relevant Candidate Profiles to Job Adverts, only when permission has been obtained by Candidates who have opted-in to allow their profile to be searched by our recommendations engine;
  • for statistics to improve the Platform and the Services or for other specific cases, provided it is with the User’s consent, in line with our Cookie Policy;
  • for sending payment and billing information to our third-party payment gateway provider, in accordance with the data processing agreement we have entered into with them;
  • for sending contact information such as your full name, email address and phone number to our third-party email marketing providers for the purpose of receiving emails about the Platform and Services, in accordance with the data processing agreement we have entered into with them.


Artificial Intelligence

Our candidate sourcing and screening services use artificial intelligence (AI) technology. We are committed to using AI responsibly and ethically, ensuring that our practices uphold fairness and privacy standards. It is our policy not to incorporate Personally Identifiable Information and information about age, gender, race, religion, or any other sensitive personal attributes into the training of the algorithm models used in our services or for candidate scoring. The primary purposes of our use of AI are to match Candidates to relevant job opportunities, improve recruitment efficiency and support Employers in making informed hiring choices.

We strive to maintain transparency and accountability in the use of AI, and we continuously monitor and assess our AI systems to mitigate biases and promote equal opportunities for all candidates.


Email Notifications

Users that create an account with Hello Radius, agree to receive email notifications about the Services they signed up for and/or use on the Platform such as an account registration confirmation or if you are an Employer, service notifications about your job adverts and new candidate applications.

Users reserve the right to opt-out of our email notifications by unsubscribing or deactivating notifications on their account. To maintain account security, users cannot unsubscribe from certain communications from Hello Radius regarding account verification or security updates.

For Employers who purchase our Services, you cannot unsubscribe from transactional email notifications sent by our third-party payment gateway provider.

Users that opt-in to receive our marketing emails when they create their account, reserve the right to opt-out of these email notifications by unsubscribing.

Users that sign up to the Services using their Google Account will be automatically subscribed to marketing communications and reserve the right to opt-out by unsubscribing.

Users that do not have an account with Hello Radius and subscribed to newsletter(s),and/or signed up to our online registration form, agree to receive email notifications about the Services they subscribed to.

Visitors that do not have an account with Hello Radius and apply to jobs posted on Hello Radius, agree to receive email notification about the status of their application.


Your Legal Rights

You have the right to the following in relation to the Personal Data we hold about you:

  • To request access to your Personal Data.
  • To request that any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you is corrected.
  • To request the erasure of your Personal Data, i.e., to ask us to delete such data where this is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected such data and/or where you have successfully exercised your right to restrict, or object to, our Processing (please see below).
  • To restrict our Processing activities or to object to the Processing of your Personal Data (for example for direct marketing purposes).
  • To request the transfer of your Personal Data (in a secure, commonly used and machine-readable format) to you or a third party.
  • If Hello Radius is relying on your consent for the Processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time (noting that in such cases, Hello Radius may not be able to provide certain Services to you).

Please note that not all of these rights may be applicable to all Users/Visitors and all circumstances.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights or have any questions, please contact us using the contact details below, and we will consider your request in accordance with applicable laws.

Note that for specific legal reasons, Hello Radius may not always be able to comply with your requests and if so, we will notify you, if applicable.

In addition, you also have the right to lodge a complaint to the Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection in Cyprus, the contact details of which are as follows:

1 Iasonos str., 1082 Nicosia

P.O.Box 23378, 1682 Nicosia

Tel: +357 22818456

Fax: +357 22304565



Data Retention and Erasure

Hello Radius will keep the User’s Personal Data for as long as the account with Hello Radius remains open, or as necessary for the purposes the data was collected, namely for Hello Radius to provide the Services to you.

If the Platform or the Services are accessed or used once by a User, Hello Radius will retain the Personal Data, until the account is deleted.

If a user has a Candidate account and their CV has not been updated within 11 months, the user will be notified by email to update their profile information. The CV must be updated within 30 days on receipt of the email otherwise the CV will be deleted from our systems.

When a Candidate applies to a job advertised by Hello Radius or via the Services provided by Hello Radius then personal data within a CV or candidate profile will be stored for up to 12 months.

If you are a Candidate and you choose to delete your account, Personal Data will be removed from our systems after 24 hours. If you created a Profile and / or uploaded a CV or covering letter on the Platform, these documents will be deleted. This applies to any job applications sent and / or job alert notifications created.

If an Employer chooses to attach their privacy policy notice to their hosted careers page or widget, they thereby accept and assume full responsibility for collecting, handling, and managing information in alignment with their stated privacy policy. By incorporating their privacy policy, employers acknowledge that they are solely responsible for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing data collection, usage, and protection.

If you are an Employer and you delete your account, all Personal Data will be removed from our systems after 24 hours. However, Hello Radius will continue to store (depersonalised) data about a job advert, not constituting Personal Data, for the purpose of business performance analysis.

If you are an Employer, please note that the following also applies when you delete your account:

  • your job adverts (whether in review, active/inactive or expired) and any other information published will not be visible and/or accessible on the Platform;
  • your Company Profile will be removed from the Platform and deleted;
  • your hosted careers page or widget will be removed;
  • all Personal Data, contained in job adverts or otherwise, will be removed from our systems after 24 hours.

Even after the deletion of an account, Hello Radius will keep Personal Data that is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, accounting, or other requirements.

We may retain information, not constituting Personal Data, after your account has been deleted.

If an Employer makes a job advert inactive, or it is removed due to the deletion of the Employer’s account (or deleted/removed for any other reason in accordance with our Terms and Conditions), the job advert will no longer be visible on the Platform.

Hello Radius is not responsible and does not control data that other Users/Visitors have copied out of our Services on the Website.

Hello Radius does not store payment details. Payments on our Platform are made through our third-party payment gateway provider and processing of the relevant data is done in accordance with the data processing agreement we have with them. By using our Services, you also accept and agree to their terms and conditions and their Privacy Policy as well.


Use of Third-Party Services for Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales Outreach

At Hello Radius, we utilise third-party services to enhance our sales outreach efforts. These tools help us identify and connect with relevant business contacts who may benefit from our products or services. Below, we explain how we process personal data in connection with these services:

Personal Data We Collect

We may collect personal data such as your name, job title, email address, company name, phone number, and other professional details. This information is either provided by you directly or collected from publicly available sources via third-party tools.

How We Use Your Data

The personal data we collect is used for:

  • Identifying potential business contacts for outreach.
  • Sending sales-related communications that may be of interest to you based on your professional role.
  • Personalising our communications to make them relevant and helpful.
  • Managing unsubscribe and opt-out requests.

Legal Basis for Processing Your Data (For EU Residents)

If you are located in the European Union or European Economic Area, we process your personal data based on Legitimate Interest. This allows us to engage in B2B communications that are relevant to your professional role. In certain cases, we may ask for your explicit consent.

Data Sharing with Third Parties

We may share your personal data with third-party service providers to help us identify and contact business professionals. We ensure that these service providers comply with data protection laws and use your data only as instructed.

Your Rights and Choices

If you are located in a region governed by GDPR or other data protection laws, you have certain rights over your personal data, including:

  • The right to access your data.
  • The right to request correction or deletion of your data.
  • The right to object to marketing communications.

Refer to the section “Your Legal Rights” in this Privacy Policy to exercise these rights. If you wish to unsubscribe from our sales or marketing communications, you can respond to our emails with “Unsubscribe” or contact us directly. Our systems will remove your information within 10 business days.

Data Retention

We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes of our outreach or as required by law. If you request deletion, we will comply unless retention is required by law.

Security of Your Data

We take appropriate measures to protect your personal data and work with service providers who meet our security standards.


Sharing your data

Except as specifically set out in this Privacy Policy, Hello Radius does not share your Personal Data with any non-affiliated third party without your explicit and specific consent.

In any event when your Personal Data is collected, Hello Radius will notify you of the recipient or categories of recipients of such information.



Hello Radius has security and electronic safeguards in order to protect your Personal Data.

We carry out regular security monitoring and upgrades. However, Hello Radius does not provide any warranty that data may not be accessed, shared, altered, or destroyed by breach of any safeguards and we are not liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the foregoing. In such an event, we will comply with any notification obligations where we are legally required to do so.


Contact us

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team at